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2 awarded 10 years imprisonment and fine of Rs 2 lakh each in NDPS case in Udhampur

Court of Sessions Judge Udhampur has convicted two  accused persons in a NDPS Case and has awarded  10 years of imprisonment to both of them and also a fine of Rs two lakh each.

Hon’ble Principal Sessions Judge Udhampur Shri Yash Paul Bourney convicted two accused persons namely Lakhbir Singh S/O Darshan Singh R/O Ludhiana,  Punjab and Jatinder Singh  S/O Inderjeet Singh  R/O Ludhiana, Punjab in case FIR 179/2016 of P/S Udhampur  U/S 8/15/29 NDPS Act in which 03 persons were caught red handed while transporting Poppy straw in a vehicle at Jakhani naka Udhampur.

The third involved namely Prem Singh S/O Mukand Singh R/O Ludhiana Punjab is absconding after he was given temporary bail by the Hon’ble Court.

The Director General of Police J&K, Shri Dilbag Singh has congratulated the investigators and prosecutors of the case for securing   conviction of the accused.