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Invitation cards to be considered as pass to attend marriages during curfew in J&K

Those people who either had marriages at their home or were planning to attend a wedding were are concerned about the Covid curfew imposed in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday evening.

However to their respite, invitation card of a marriage will be considered as pass by the law enforcing agencies and those in possession of the invitation cards will be allowed to proceed towards the marriage destination.

J&K administration has imposed a curfew that started on Saturday evening and will continue till early Monday morning wherein noone will be allowed to move out of their homes, unless necessary.

Read the order below:

Whereas, a detailed review of the current COVID situation in Jammu and Kashmir was conducted by the Hon’ble Lt Governor, Jammu and Kashmir, with the Chief Secretary, J&K, Financial Commissioner, Health, Administrative Secretary School Education, Administrative Secretary Higher Education; Divisional Commissioner, Jammu/Kashmir and other officers, particularly on the following

a. An overall assessment of the situation pertaining to the spread of COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir, and

b. The prevailing trend of rise in the daily reported cases of infection in J&K

On the basis of the above assessment, the State Executive Committee, in exercise of the powers conferred up on it under section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, hereby orders the following—

a. Complete Corona Curfew shall be imposed in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir w.e-f. 8:00 pm on 24/04/2021 till 6.00 am on 26/04/2021. Essential / emergency services / movement / work and

scheduled marriages up to permissible gathering norms shall remain exempted, subject to production of wedding cards / ID cards etc The District Magistrate may issue passes wherever necessary

b. In continuation to Government Order No.21-JK(DMRRR) of 2021 dated 18.04 2021, it is ordered that the technical training institutions falling under the department of Skill development / Technical Education shall also remain closed for on-campus / in-person education till 15/05/2021. Online education shall be the mode of teaching

During the closure of educational institutions (School / Colleges / Universities / Technical education etc, attendance of staff in person shall be restricted to 50 percent only. All heads of institutions shall devise rosters to ensure this, as per directions to be issued by School / Higher Education Department in this regard. Such staff of educational institutions as are needed by the concerned District Disaster Management Authorities / District Magistrates for official duties shall not be exempted from duties on account of this Order.

The gathering limit as ordered vide earlier Government Order No.21- JK(DMRRR) of 2021 dated 18 04 2021 shall continue to remain in force.