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GMC Jammu struggles with pandemic due to staff shortage but positions lying vacant

Denial of direct recruitment through Public Service Commission to recruit doctors on senior positions has created immense pressure on Government Medical College, Jammu and its associated hospitals amid the pandemic.

As per a report Health & Medical Education Department said that in contravention to the guidelines of the Medical Council of India, for various higher faculty posts, the candidates with required qualifications and experience are not being placed to the higher posts at GMC Jammu.

 Moreover, the regular DPCs are not conducted for the years together, as a result, many posts are left vacant for the years which creates hindrance and impacts the health services in J&K.  As a result the general public is kept away from services of top experienced doctors.

In Govt Medical College Jammu and even Srinagar, the entry level post is of Lecturer then by promotion comes the next higher level of Assistant Professor, then is the post for Associate Professor and then Professor/ HoD. Ultimately if one wants to reach at the position of Professor minimum 11 years work experience is needed.

Unlike,  AIIMS Delhi and many Medical Colleges outside J&K, the entry level for the faculty positions is done at each level or by a three- tier system. But here no such provision is available.

It’s very unfortunate, the Government in J&K do not care much about the ongoing system and make some amendments for the same.

No specific system is considered for promotions, DPCs are not conducted for 5 to 7 years.

About 199 posts are lying vacant out of total assigned strength of 405 in GMC, Super Specialty Hospital and other Associated Hospitals here as per Govt record and notification No.408 of Health and Medical Education Department dated 24-5-2021 at such times of crises which clearly shows how much they are concerned.  

The major Departments Medicines, Orthopedics are working with less than half of its sanctioned strength. In the Medicines Department, there are 29 sanctioned posts but 18 are lying vacant; in surgery 14 out of 29 sanctioned posts are vacant and in Orthopedics faculty , 7 out of 15 posts are vacant.