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ACB attaches property of former in-charge Vigilance Squad in Food Civil Supplies Dept

Anti Corruption Bureau has attached the properties worth crores belonging to Rakesh Kumar Pargal, the then Chief Supervisor, FCI Godown, Udhampur and former Incharge Vigilance Squad in Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs. properties of Rattan Lal Tikoo, Ex MD SICOP were also attached.

On the basis of a preliminary inquiry to verify the facts that Rakesh Kumar Pargal, Chief Supervisor, FCI Godown, CA&PD Udhampur and incharge vigilance Squad in Food Civil Supplies and Public Distribution Department, by indulging in corrupt and illegal practices, has amassed huge assets worth crores of rupees in the form of immovable/moveable properties disproportionate to his known sources of income.

During preliminary inquiry it was found that official has raised assets several times higher than the genuine income (salary) earned by the official from the service period. Accordingly Case FIR No. 01/2020 in PS ACB Udhampur was registered against him. After registration of FIR searches were conducted during which 285 gms gold, incriminating material, documents were seized. Some accounts/lockers were also freezed after being found suspicious.

Rakesh Pargal was already involved in Case FIR No. 01/2020 in PS ACB Doda regarding misappropriation of Rs 260 Crores on account of cost of wheat grains, transportation charges, labour charges, grinding charges drawn on the basis of fictitious and false bills. He was also arrested by ACB in this case.

It is pertinent to mention here that he was initially appointed as daily wager in September, 1984 in TSO office Chenani and remained posted in AD office Udhampur, Chief Supervisor (FCS&CA) Deptt) FCI Godown Udhampur.

He remained under suspension w.e.f 26-06-2009 to 19-09-2012 (Attached with Directorate Office Jammu) for his involvement in case FIR No.06/2009 u/s 109, 409, 468, 471 RPC r/w sec 5(1) (c ), 5 (1) (D), 5(2) JK PC Act Svt. 2006 P/S VOJ now ACB which is still under trial in the Hon’ble Court of Special Judge, Anti-Corruption Udhampur.

After the registration of formal case under Anti-Corruption Law and his suspension from Govt. service w.e.f 26-06-2009 to 19-09-2012 he was posted/ appointed in Enforcement squad and Vigilance squad in CAPD Department, which indicate his deep nexus with other accused officials and private persons. The property measuring 01 Kanal & 08 Marlas on which a palatial house Dogri Haveli is constructed, valued at 1.2 crore have been attached by ACB.

On the basis of a written complaint a verification was initiated by ACB to look into the allegations of accumulation of huge assets by Rattan Lal Tickoo S/o Shambu Nath Tickoo R/o House No. 142 Lower Laxmi Nagar Sarwal Jammu then Managing Director of SICOP disproportionate to his known sources of income.

In consequence of his indulgement in corrupt and illegal practices and having taken advantages of his lucrative posting in SICOP, the accused R.L Tickoo had acquired huge assets, both movable and immovable by investing proceeds of his ill gotten money in such properties.

The accumulation was raised by Rattan Lal Tickoo either in his own name or in the name of his family members by abuse and misuse of his official position. Consequently, case FIR No.28/2019 was registered against him in P/S ACB Jammu.

Pursuant to registration of case, searches were conducted during which incriminating documents relating to investments were also recovered. 3 flats and land at three locations valued Rs. 47 lakh have been attached.