Ruckus prevailed at Badamwari in Srinagar when some men started to break the musical instruments at the stage where a cultural group was performing.
Police said that it has taken cognizance of the incident which took place in Badamwari and lodged an FIR in this regard.

In a statement, the police said that in a musical event at Badamwari today, where thousands of people including large number of women and children were present, a group of miscreants created ruckus on the stage.
“The actual cause of ruckus was that one boy among the audience demanded that song of his choice be played, his request was not fulfilled immediately. When he took away the mic, one member of the cultural group slapped that boy. This led to the ruckus on stage,” the spokesperson said
“Miscreants have been identified and FIR has been registered. Legal action will follow,” read the statement.