In exercise of the powers conferred by section 67 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019, the Lieutenant Governor, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir hereby directs that following amendments shall be made in Annexure-l to the Delegation of Financial Powers to accord Administrative Approval, Technical Sanction and Award of Contracts to the Administrative
Departments issued vide Notification No. S.O-15 dated 09.01.2020.
At Serial No. 1 of (A) Powers to Accord Administrative Approval, under the Remarks column, for the words, sign and figures “AA in respect of works/projects above Rs 20 Crores shall be accorded with the approval of Lieutenant Governor after concurrence of Finance Department”, the words, sign and figures “Proposals for Administrative approval of all projects above Rs. 20.00 Crores, after concurrence by Finance Department shall be placed for the consideration and approval of the Administrative
Council constituted vide Government Order No. 808-JK (GAD) of 2020 dated 01.09.2020″ shall be sabstituted.