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Anti-tobacco and cancer awareness camp held in Jammu

An anti-tobacco and oral cancer awareness camp along with dental check up camp was today organized by Plaksha foundation under the FitIndia mission at Solar Printers industry, SIDCO, Bari Brahmana.

A team of experts comprising Dr.Gautam Sharma, Dr.Himja Mengi, Dr.Arshiya, Aanchal Devi (nurse) and Inderjeet Shan were present to examine the patient.

Dr Gautam Sharma is dental surgeon with the University of Jammu as well as former president, Indian Dental Association (IDA), Jammu. While addressing the patients at the camp he stressed that the primary cause of oral cancer is chewing tobacco which includes khaini, gutkha, zarda etc. Lung cancer is more common in smokers. He advised the patients to take the help of de-addiction centres to stop the habit of chewing and smoking tobacco.

Dr.Himja Mengi, founder of Plaksha foundation and a social worker told that if any patient has difficulty in opening the mouth and has restricted mouth opening as well as white and red lesions in the mouth then he must contact an expert dentist for a complete check-up and screening for oral cancer.

Dr.Arshiya, MDS in Periodontics, informed the patients that if the cancer is screened at an early stage then it is completely treatable. She also examined the patients for their periodontal health and advised them to brush twice daily for a good oral health.

Mr.Manoj Wadhera and Mr.Rakesh Wadhera, Managing Directors of the Solar Printers industry, Bari Brahmana were present on the occasion and presented the certificates of appreciation to the doctors who conducted the camp.

Sumeet Gandotra from Colgate-Palmolive provided the free samples of Colgate Sensitive toothpastes for the camp.