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Apni Party chief Altaf Bukhari asks people not to fall prey to the deceit of traditional political parties

Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari, on Sunday, urged people not to fall prey to the deceit of traditional political parties any further. He emphasized unity and stated that conventional politicians always divide people based on caste and creed for their political gains.

He delivered this message during a vibrant public rally held in the Nambla village of northern Kashmir’s Uri. The people thronged to the event and gave a rousing reception to Apni Party president and other esteemed leaders upon their arrival at the venue.

According to a press release issued here, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, while addressing the rally, said, “The traditional politicians have been deceiving people to attain and retain power. Even in 1947, they started by dividing people on the basis of caste for their political advantages.”

“Enough is enough; it’s time to stop falling prey to deceptive politics any longer and to maintain unity for your greater interests,” he urged people.

Recalling the deaths and destruction that the people of Uri have faced over the years due to the confrontation between the armies on both sides, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari said, “People who live on the borders have suffered greatly over the years simply because they were easy targets of firing and shelling from both sides. I hope this situation will change, as history stands witness to the fact that when enemies decide to end the enmity, peace and prosperity begin.”

“We have seen that European nations used to fight and kill each other during the Second World War. However, when they abandoned hostilities and embraced the pursuit of peace and prosperity, a remarkable transformation followed. Presently, European countries stand in such harmony that individuals can effortlessly visit multiple nations with a single visa. I hope that, sooner or later, such a drastic change occurs between the two countries here and people, especially the border dwellers, get a sigh of relief,” he added.

Expressing his concerns over the infrastructural deficit and the lack of opportunities in Uri, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari said, “It’s disheartening to witness the people of Uri struggling even for their basic needs. I wonder what traditional parties, who were at the helm over the years and decades, have done for the people of this far-flung area. Despite Uri being a producer of electricity, the residents are deprived of it for their own use. The educational institutions and healthcare facilities suffer from a lack of essential infrastructure and personnel, depriving the people of quality education and healthcare.”

Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari promised that when the Apni Party gets the mandate to form the government in Jammu and Kashmir, it will ensure the revival of the historic Mohra Power Project.

He said, “I promise you that the Apni Party’s government will ensure the Mohra powerhouse is rebuilt, and the power generated from this project will be exclusively allocated to the residents of this area. Also, we will ensure that local youth receive preferential consideration for employment opportunities arising from the infrastructure development in this region.” “I assure you that I will never disappoint you; Apni Party will get the people of Uri out from miseries and deprivation by using the natural resources of this area,” he promised.

On this occasion, Apni Party’s senior leader and vice president, Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, harshly criticized the National Conference and Congress, blaming these parties for the miseries of the people living on the borders.

Manhas presented historical facts to justify his criticism. He said, “We know as a matter of fact that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah are solely responsible for the miseries and suffering that people living on borders have been facing over the past seven decades. In 1948, when the Indian Army was pushing the raiders back, these leaders ensured a ceasefire here, which eventually created a border in places where Gujjar-Bakerwal tribes and the Pahari community were dominantly residing. The creation of the border not only divided these populations but also made them vulnerable. The ceasefire was deliberately ensured to make Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah an undisputed leader in Kashmir.”

“They (Nehru and Sheikh) were aware that the people of Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Karnah, Uri, and upper reaches of Poonch would never accept Sheikh Abdullah as their leader. Thus, they divided population in these areas by creating a ceasefire line between the populated areas where there had never been a border before,” he added.

Manhas also blamed the National Conference and Congress for eroding Jammu and Kashmir’s special status over the decades when these parties were at the helm.

Addressing the rally, the party’s senior leader and former mayor of Srinagar, Junaid Azim Mattu, said that as soon as the autocratic rule of the Maharaja ended in Jammu and Kashmir over seventy years ago, the National Conference established its own dynastic rule in the region.

He said, “In fact, Jammu and Kashmir was never truly liberated, even after the Maharaja’s rule ended here in 1947. When the autocratic rule of the Maharaja came to an end, the National Conference promptly instituted its own dynastic rule. Since then, this political dynasty has exploited the people for its political gains.”

Urging people to strengthen Apni Party, Mattu said, “Apni Party is not a family-oriented party; instead, it is a party of individuals united by a common program for the prosperity and development of Jammu and Kashmir. This party has never held power before. Therefore, unlike traditional parties, Apni Party carries no baggage of blunders and exploitation. I assure you that this is the only party capable of bringing positive change to the scenario in Jammu and Kashmir. We are committed to ensuring peace, prosperity, and development in this region.”

 Besides Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, and Junaid Azim Mattu, the prominent party leaders who were present on the occasion included party’s constituency In charge of Uri Choudhary Mushtaq, Provincial Secretary  Najeeb Naqvi, Provincial President of the party’s ST Wing Rafiq Balote, Coordinator Uri Constituency Farooq Tantray, Senior Leader Qazi Mohammad Shah, District Vice President Baramulla  Mehmood Bukhari, Block President Noorkhah Zahid Masood, Block President Mukhtar Ahmad, Tehsil President Boniyar Javid Ahmad Pandit, Youth Wing President Uri Sajad Sheikh, Block President Ishfaq Lone, Senior Leader Nazir Chechi, Senior Leader Shakeel Pathan, Senior Leader Javid Mir, Senior Leader Asif Ahmad Jagwal, Mutvali Sahib, Senior Leader Mushtaq Mir, Senior Leader Anwar Peer, Halqa President Nambla Shafeeq Mir, and others.

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