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BJP acts against J&K State Secretary Vikram Randhawa for his communal remarks

Disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against Vikram Randhwa State Secretary Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory in reference to making of reckless and defamatory remarks against particular community and woman folk .

Pending finalizing of Disciplinary Proceedings,  Disciplinary Committee headed by Sunil Sethi Chairman and having Virenderjeet Singh as member and N. D. Rajwal as Memebr, has given interim report in view of huge impact of reckless statement of Vikram Randhawa and bad name it has brought to party and it has been recommended to immediately relieve Randhawa of all official party positions pending finalizing of Disciplinary Proceedings. 

The report has been examined by Party President Ravinder Raina and it has been decided to agree with interim recommendations of Disciplinary Committee report .