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Department of food, Civil Supplies introduces online distribution of ration

Department of food, Civil Supplies and Consumers Affairs (FCS&CA) Udhampur has moved to online mode of distribution of ration through biometric based point of sale (e-PoS) machines.

 Assistant Director,  FCS&CA, Shohab Latief stated that the linking of Aadhar numbers with the ration card is imperative for getting ration at fair price shops.

The AD appealed to the ration cardholders of District Udhampur to submit the Aadhar of all family members to their respective fair price shop dealers or TSO office at the earliest or fill  the details using Google  form or QR code given below for seeding in order to avoid any inconvenience during monthly drawl of ration. He added that any ration card holder can check the status of Aadhar seeding of his ration card through the link