More than two years have passed since the article 370 had been abrogated from Jammu and Kashmir and Energy Conservation Act was made applicable after that. Even after the lapse of more than two years Act has not been implemented due to lackadaisical approach of concerned officers and department.
As well as the committee having two dozen officers which was assigned the task of implementing the Act as well as Energy Conservation Building Code Rules has still not held deliberations for the same. The carelessness on the part of Power Development Department and many other concerned agencies has allegedly led to its delay.
In the month of March this year government framed a committee in terms of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 and Energy Conservation Building Code Rules, 2018 for implementation and enforcement of Energy Conservation Building Code and Eco-Niwas Samhitta in J&K. even after this move made by government, the implementation has yet not started because the committee and its concerned members have failed to start holding deliberations on the Terms of Reference till date, as per Daily Excelsior.
Members of the committee informed that they have yet not received any information regarding the meeting of the committee and added that Energy Conservation Building Code which was developed by the Government of India for new commercial buildings on 27th May 2007 is aimed to provide minimum requirements for energy-efficient design and construction of buildings and their systems. Energy efficiency investments in buildings will help to reduce energy use for space heating and/or cooling and water heating; reduced electricity use for lighting, office machinery and domestic type appliances; lower maintenance requirements; improved comfort and enhanced property value.
But due to slackness on the part of the committee no progress has so far been made on promoting energy conservation and energy efficiency in the commercial buildings or establishments.