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Inspector of Jammu Municipal Corporation suspended for dereliction of duties

Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) today suspended an Enforcement Official for dereliction of duties in view of complaints received regarding alleged illegal constructions/ violations of Bye Laws falling in different wards of Nanak Nagar area.

Commissioner, JMC, Rahul Yadav took serious note of the complaints and conducted surprise inspection of the Nanak Nagar area. He immediately ordered the suspension of Enforcement Inspector Nanak Nagar area for dereliction of duties and ordered for the detailed inquiry in the matter.

The senior JMC official informed notices have also been served to owners/occupants of all the buildings in the areas which were under construction/repairment for violations/illegal constructions under relevant sections.

Further JMC has advised all the concerned to refrain from undertaking any construction without building permission and also ensure that necessary provisions of bye laws are observed.