Jammu, July 4: Sairaj Balaji, an alumnus of Army Public School is an 18-year-old college student pursuing a degree in Computer Sciences Engineering from SRM Chennai, presently residing in Jammu.
He has recently introduced a groundbreaking social media application called Anonypin. This innovative platorm has quickly gained traction and popularity amnong generation Z, as it allows users to drop anonymous notes at specific geographical locations
and engage in anonymous conversations.
A finalist in the prestigious Google Code to Learn competition 2019 he also had the privilege of taking part in NASA’s CIS program 2020. He was awarded the prestigious DELL and FUEL scholarships, recognizing his outstanding contributions and potential as a young technologist and entrepreneur.
His paper was shortlisted and published in the highly prestigious and esteerned Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineers (IEEE) international journal in May 23, a veritable
acknowledgement of his expertise in the field of technolog y by the distinguished peer group
In addition to his individual accomplishments, Sairaj Balaji’s entrepreneurial journey includes the founding of Avtaar.Ai.Private Limited, an Al avatar startup that has gained recognition and support from Microsoft for Startups. Avtaar. Ai has recently been valued at 2.4 million USD by by Xartup
nighlighting the significant growth and potential of the company.

Anonypin, Sairaj Balajis latest creation, has started a fresh buzz in providing a platform for anonymous note-sharing and conversations at a specific locations.
By fostering a safe and judgment-free environment, Anonypin enables users to express themselves freely and engage in open dialogue and banter, revolutionizing the way individuals interact on social media platforms.