The J&K government on Monday ordered that no private schools shall charge Fees from students for the period schools are closed because of Coronavirus outbreak .
Mission Director Mid-Day Meal scheme J&K Arun Manhas also tweeted about the decision

Govt Order in this regard was issued by Principal Secretary, School Education Asgar Samoon. All Private to adhere government directions.

The order reads, “Whereas, already a complete Nation-wide lockdown has been announced for 21 days to avoid spread of Corona Virus (Covid-19) by maintaining safe social distances and o stay safe at home”.
It said, “Whereas it has come to notice of the Government that some private schools in UT of Jammu and Kashmir have fixed 30th March 2020 as the last date for depositing school fees and are sending various messages to students and their parents to deposit such fees immediately. Whereas it is appreciable that some private schools are giving home assignments through WhatsApp and other means to the students of their respective schools”.
It also said, “Whereas, complaints have also been reported that parents are being harassed by school authorities and the teachers concerned to mandatorily submit their assignments on the same day. Whereas in view of existing pandemic situation, it may no be possible for students of their parents to deposit the school fees as per schedule fixed by various private schools and it is unethical to pressurize parents and students amidst prevailing circumstances to do so. Whereas, taking cognizance of the issue, in the interest of the public at large and students and their parents in particular, it is ordered that the last date to deposit school fees is extended up to 30th April 2020 without any late fees and no school shall either charge any fee for the online lectures/assignments or shall link the result of the child on the basis of home assignments. The Management bodies of all CBSE/BOSE affiliated Private Schools of UT of Jammu and Kashmir are directed to issue appropriate directions in this regard”.
It also said, “It is further ordered that regarding annual school fees being charged by the Private Schools, Director School Education Jammu/Kashmir shall after giving an opportunity of being heard to all the stakeholders including parents and Private School representatives submits their recommendations to the Administrative Department within a week.
Order added, “This order shall apply to all private schools affiliated to any Board (CBSE/ICSE/JKBOSE/any other) functioning in UT of Jammu and Kashmir and violation reported if any shall be viewed seriously and warrant stern action under rules. This order shall be without prejudice to any court order(s) on the subject”.