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School Education Jammu notifies about various phases of Fit India School Quiz

This office is in receipt of communications received from Ministries of School Education & Literacy Government of India Vide F.No. 12-1/2020-IS-4, dated:24.08.2022 and Youth Affairs & Sports GOI Vide F.No:19-2/FIT INDIA/QUIZ/2022,dated:22.08.2022 along with Fit India Quiz guidelines, letter received from Administrative Department of School Education Civil Secretariat J&K Jammu Vide No: Edu-PS/12/2021-11-SED (24508), dated: 26.08.2022 (Copies enclosed for reference) wherein the Ministry has launched 2nd edition of Fit India National Quiz for Schools on 29th August, 2022 in all States and Union territories of India to create awareness about India’s rich sporting & fitness spirit among School students to showcase their knowledge, talent about fitness & sports before entire nation.

This Fit India Quiz is the 2nd edition of the first-ever National Level Fitness and Sports Quiz to be telecasted on India’s Star Sports & many other National TV Channels which will provides an opportunity for students and schools to win total cash prizes worth more than Rs 3.25 Crores.

The Quiz will be of following phases/rounds:

1. School Round-to be conducted by schools to select students for registrations in Fit India Preliminary Round.

2. Preliminary Round-Multiple Choice online round to be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA).

3. State Round-to be conducted by each States/UTs with the support of Fit India Mission amongst Schools qualified after Preliminary round.

4. National Round-Final Round (Quarter-finals, Semi-finals & Finals) in which the winning team of each State/UT will participate and fight for the Top Title of the National winner of Fit India Quiz 2022.

To read full order, click on link