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Shortage of teaching staff continues to plague government schools in J&K’s Ramban


Pic for representation

Despite claims of Jammu and Kashmir government to provide efficient education system, staff shortage continues to plague government schools in J&K’s Ramban. Reports of absence of staff keep coming from different parts of Union Territory.

Education sector is majorly affected in Raman district due to condition of school building and staff shortage.

Nearly, 50 percent posts of teaching staff are lying vacant in Ramban district which has become a major roadblock in for student’s education that are enrolled in the government schools of Ramban district.

In Higher Secondary School Khari ( Aarpinchla) of Sub Division Banihal in Ramban district only four teacher against 14 posts are placed here.

Sabreena Sharief class 12th student of HSS Khari told Greater Kashmir that the students studying in her school are from far-flung villages of Tehsil Khari and school hostel and bus service for poor students coming from far off places of tehsil has become inevitable.

Another student of HSS Khari said that their education is badly affected due to shortage of teaching staff.

Principal Higher Secondary School Khadmri Abdul Rehman Bhat Al-Madani said that due to non-availability of teachers many streams have become non-functional in school. Principal said that the admission is still going on in HSS Khari and near about 700 students have been given admission so far. Principal further added that condition of school infrastructure is not improved due to which many students have to study in open in hot weather which affects their health.

It may be mentioned that nearly 50 posts of masters, lectures and teachers are lying vacant for years together. 12 posts out of 23 posts of principals are lying vacant in 23 Higher secondary schools of Ramban district.

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