UPDATE: Govt has decided to keep universities, colleges and schools closed till July 31.
With the new guidelines on Covid expected today (Sunday) evening, there are apprehensions that the government may order opening of colleges and universities in the Union Territory in coming weeks.
The neighboring Punjab has ordered that coaching centers and colleges can open with the permission of respective Deputy Commissioners.
Government of J&K in an order on June 27 had stated that all schools, colleges, universities and technical/skill development institutions shall only impart online education till July 15.
Even in Jammu and Kashmir schools, colleges and universities were shut for offline classes after the second wave hit the country. It is expected that schools may be opened only after colleges and universities, however there is no confirmation on this.
In Kashmir the teaching and non-teaching staff of schools is being vaccinated on a full swing as there are many places in Kashmir where community classes are being held where there is no provision of online classes.