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No end in sight for construction on 100-bed maternity hospital in Pulwama

Last Updated on December 10, 2021 at 3:26 pm

Three years on, work on construction of a 100-bed Maternity hospital in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district has yet not begun.

In order to meet the growing health issues of women, government identified around 112 kanals of land Pulwama town for building up of a 100-bed maternity hospital at a cost of around Rs 12 crores. But there has been little progress in this regard.

As per reports, this project was a long term demand of people as it would give benefit for both the people of Pulwama and Shopian but no progress in the project lead to much dismay for the people.

Locals informed that the administration promised them a maternity hospital would be built in the town in response to demands for better maternity care, but ground reality is entirely different.

Adul Rashid, a local said that there has been a delay in the facility since three years.

Bashir Ahmad, another local, said that the site was identified in the area and debate over the designation of land for the hospital, and residents succeeded in acquiring the hospital in the area after rising pressure on the administration.

Locals informed that the facility would have enhanced maternity care while also reducing patient travel time and would have offered timely healthcare facilities.

Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, Baseer Ul Haq Chowdary, told Daily Excelsior that the project has not been sanctioned in any plan. “Only land has been identified for the project while it has not been sanctioned in any plan”, he said.