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105 shops sealed, Rs 23 lakh fine imposed during market checking in Kashmir

Last Updated on April 30, 2022 at 11:13 pm

Following the instructions of Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, the different enforcement wings of Food Safety Organization, Legal Metrology Department and Food & Civil Supplies Department conducted major market checking drives during Holy Month of Ramdhan during which teams inspected quality of meat and other eatables available for consumption in markets besides overcharging by traders.

The enforcement staff of Food Safety Organization (FSO) enforcement stepped up the market inspections in the month of Ramdhan and in view of forthcoming Eid ul Fitr.

During the course of action, the emphasis was given to check the meat, chicken sellers, bakery manufacturing Units and  fruit sellers.

While taking strict action against erring traders, FSO sealed 24 bakery manufacturing and their production was stopped due to  violation of FSSA  under sec 56 which states method of  insanitary conditions.

Meanwhile, FSO also realised penalty of Rs 758500 from various Food business Operators violating different sections of FSSA by Adjudicating officers of various districts of Kashmir division.

Besides, 389 establishments of meat, chicken sellers were inspected with the assistance of Veterinary surgeons of Animal and Sheep husbandry department to check quality of meat.

Moreover, 122 prosecutions were launched by FSO in different districts of Kashmir division against FBOs violating FSSA.

In addition to inspections, FSO also participated in 173  inspections conducted jointly by various departments which included legal metrology, CAPD,  Tehsildar and officials from local bodies.

Similarly, the field executives of Legal Metrology Department conducted 1205 inspections during the month  in which 415 erring traders were found violating Legal Metrology laws.

While taking action against violators of laws, fine of Rs 5.43 lakh was realised. The nature of violence found was short-weigtment, over-charging on packet items like dates, food items etc.

Likewise, FCS&CA inspected 16569 establishments and penalized 2286 defaulters, and recovered Rs 1015750 sealed 81 and registered police complaints against 9 establishments.