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11 Persons injured in gas leak incident in Kashmir; No loss of life

Last Updated on March 1, 2022 at 6:54 pm

A gas leak incident took place at the ticketing counter at MCCH Anantnag today. No loss of life was reported from the site however 11 persons received minor injuries and all the injured were admitted at GMC Anantnag and were reported out of danger.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anantnag, Dr Piyush Singla has ordered a probe into the incident by an ADC level officer and has also asked them to submit the report within 7 days. He has further said that the Government will bear medical expenses of the injured.

Umar Gulzar, Tehsildar Anantnag said that the employees present at the ticket counter have received burn injuries. Further, patients waiting at the ticket booth have also received injuries.

He informed that the injured include 2 kids aged 4 besides, 3 employees and 6 attendants.