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18 employees suspended for unauthorized absence from official duties in Srinagar

Last Updated on August 4, 2021 at 9:47 pm

On the directions of Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad, the team of senior officers of District administration today conducted a surprise visit of various offices in Srinagar and checked the attendance of employees.

During  the visit , the team found 18 employees unauthorizedly absent from duties. 

Accordingly the absentee employees were immediately placed under suspension.

Out of the 18 employees 8 belonged to the Office of CMO Srinagar, 5 to Revenue Department, one each from Social Welfare and SMC while 2 employees from ICDS Srinagar.

The Deputy Commissioner Srinagar reiterated that such inspections will continue in future also and dereliction of duty including unauthorized absence will not be tolerated at all.