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ADGP Vijay Kumar tours border areas of Samba, Kathua

Last Updated on November 21, 2023 at 7:56 pm

Additional Director General of Police law & order J&K ,Vijay Kumar-IPS accompanied  by DIG JSK Range Shakti Pathak IPS  conducted extensive tour of border areas of Samba &  Kathua districts and held security review meetings. 

     On his first visit to Samba district, ADGP L&O  was accorded ceremonial  welcome by presenting Guard of Honour  and warm welcome at District Police Headquarters Samba . He was warmly received by DC Samba Abhishek Sharma-IAS, SSP Samba Benam Tosh all SDPOs and SHOs SHOs of the district. 

       The Additional Director General of Police Law and Order chaired security review meeting at conference hall of DPO Samba which was attended by officers of all  Agencies concerned with security and law &order including District Police Samba .

      Senior Superintendent of Police Samba Benam Tosh presented PPT and briefed the ADGP on present security scenario .The officers of sister agencies also provided briefings. 

      ADGP Law and Order J&K ,Vijay Kumar directed the officers present at the meeting to learn from their past temporary setbacks, if any, and to get ready with renewed energy to face future challenges. He asked the SHOs to generate information about all happenings in advance and to take appropriate preventive action. He advised the officers of all agencies to work in tandem to thwart nefarious designs of the enemy in border areas. 

     Thereafer , ADGP L&O  visited border areas of Ramgarh, Samba and Hiranagar sectors, conducted series of meetings with officers and issued necessary directions on the spot. He was warmly received by SSP Kathua Shivdeep Singh Jamwal and his officers’ team at Hiranagar border .