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Aim to bring down transformer failure rate by 15% this year: Principal Secretary Power

Last Updated on November 1, 2021 at 6:51 pm

The Power DISCOMS JPDCL and KPDCL will aim at reducing the transformer failure rate by at least 15% in the current year. This target was set by Principal Secretary Power, Rohit Kansal at a meeting held at IIT Jammu today.

He was presiding over the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU between Jammu Power Development Corporation Limited, JPDCL, Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited, KPDCL and IIT Jammu here today. The MoU was signed by MD JPDCL, Gurmeet Singh and MD KPDCL Basharat Qayoom on behalf of the two corporations respectively. The IIT Jammu was represented by its Director Manoj S Gaur. The Chairman JPDCL, Jagmohan Sharma and other senior officers were also present on the occasion.

Under the MoU, IIT Jammu would help in providing an end to end solution for procurement, analysis and maintenance of Distribution transformers. The lnstitute would incorporate smart technologies and data analyses to provide preventive maintenance, data-intensive monitoring, damage analysis and smart metering technologies for end consumers. Real time monitoring and e-governance facility would also be provided under the agreement. It would also facilitate capacity building of engineers of both distribution companies and also provide smart technological interventions.

The agreement provides for undertaking research and consultancy projects, and for developing course modules for training of engineers in addition to internship opportunities for IIT students. Nominated members from the engineering institute and the distribution companies would also form Joint Working Groups for implementation of the MoU. Experts and IT tools from the UT administration would also be provided to augment the joint efforts under the MoU.