In a military ceremony last homage was paid to the elite assault dog Axel today who lost his life after being hit by the bullets of the terrorist during a gunfight between army and a terrorist in Wanigambala of Baramulla in Kashmir.
The ceremony was held at HQ 10 Sect RR Hyderbaig, Pattan and was attended by Maj Gen SS Slaria, GOC Kilo Force, Officers and ranks of 10 sect RR and official of J&K police.

Wreaths were laid by the KILO force commander, Cdr 10 sect RR, CO 29 RR and reps of JKP. In addition the Officer Commanding,26 Army Dog Unit and Axel’s handler also paid last respects to the fallen canine.
The two year old dog was trained for operations like the one in which he lost his life. The elite dog of Belgian Malinois breed was two years old and lost life on Sunday after he found an armed terrorist.
During such tense encounters, army assault dogs are deployed in buildings where terrorists are suspected to be hiding. The dogs are trained to throw the terrorist on ground. However when the assault dog Axel entered the room of a building he was fired upon by the terrorist killing him on spot.