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Check out Ladakh’s new electric vehicle policy and subsidy rate

In a major development the Union Territory of Ladakh recently announced the new electric vehicle policy in an attempt to encourage people to procure e-vehicles in order to create a carbon-neutral future.

An official said that the policy entails a capital subsidy of 10 percent on two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers. “To encourage sustainable and eco-friendly public transport, public buses will be given a capital subsidy of 25 percent under the policy,” the official said. To encourage this shift to electric vehicles, he said that the administration has offered an early bird subsidy for the first year of the policy.

“During the first year, the percentage of the subsidy for each type of vehicle would be double the normal subsidy being offered for subsequent years. In order to promote electric vehicles, the administration has decided to continue to exempt electric vehicles from road taxes,” the spokesman said To encourage people to create a carbon-neutral future, the Union