Class 12 Board Exam 2021 cancellation plea will be taken up in supreme court today. The Class 12 exams are conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and a decision regarding conduct of exams is expected by June 1.
Due to Covid-19 situation, exams were postponed last year and a decision regarding exams either to cancel them or postpone them is yet to be taken this year.
Class 12 Board Exam cancellation petition hearing at Supreme Court is today, May 31, 2021. This petition has been filed because of an ongoing pandemic across the country.
As per reports, the plan of conducting exams has been supported by 32 states and Union Territories. Maharashtra, Delhi, Goa and Andaman & Nicobar are not in favour of conducting pen and paper exams.
Also, CBSE has proposed two options for the board exams that are either set exams for the main 19 subjects in the existing format at notified centres. Minor subjects can be assessed on the basis of performance done in major subjects.
To make this option successful the time period of three months is required for the whole process including pre-exam activities and declaring the results.
So the time period of around three months should be available to the board clearly. August could be a convenient time but if the situation is not conducive to conduct the exams safely, then this option will not be feasible.
Second option given by CBSE is that the duration of the exam be cut short and a 90 minute exam for the students in their own school. The students will be appearing in one language and three elective subjects only and the results of the 5th and 6th subjects will be assessed based on the performance in these subjects.
Different states have varied opinions on conducting Class 12 board exams during the pandemic. Some states want that the examinations to be held only after all students and teachers have been vaccinated.
Majority of the states and UT’s have agreed for written exams, final decision is yet to be taken. The Supreme Court will hear the plea seeking cancellation of CBSE Class 12 Board Exams 2021 today.