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Commissioner Secretary Floriculture chairs meeting on restoration of Shalimar Bagh

Last Updated on April 18, 2022 at 7:47 pm

Commissioner Secretary, Floriculture, Gardens and Parks, Sheikh Fayaz, today visited Mughul Garden, Shalimar Bagh, to review proposed plan regarding conservation and restoration of the historic spot.

In this regard, he, later, convened a meeting with Director and other senior officers of Department of Floriculture Kashmir, Deputy Director Archives, Archaeology and Museum, Executive Engineer, DOFK along with AEE, Floriculture Officer, Mughal Gardens and Assistant Floriculture Officer, Mughal Gardens Shalimar besides representatives of JSW Foundation, consultant JSW Foundation and Art Conservation expert.

The Floriculture department has signed MoU with JSW Foundation regarding execution of development project of restoration of Shalimar and Nishat Gardens.

The JSW Foundation informed the meeting about the strategy and action plan which shall be adopted for restoration of monuments and building part. They further informed that Art conservation work on the first pavilion in the garden known as Pink pavilion has already started.

The meeting also discussed modalities for restoration and conservation of monuments in the garden including Black Pavilion, Noor Mahal and Maid quarters.

The meeting was informed that monumental part of the garden will also witness conservation and restoration of central vista, illumination, fountains, water channels, corrections in geometry of garden, boundary wall and watch towers.

Consultant JSW Foundation, Abha Narian Lambha and Deputy Director Archives briefed the meeting regarding the techniques to be adopted while restoring and conserving the monuments.

Director informed about establishment of plant conservatory inside the garden where plants of Mughal period, as identified in the conservation plan, have been collected to be used as mother stock. These plants will be propagated and planted as per schemes of matching flora provided by the consultant Botanist.