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Crackdown against power thieves on cards in Kashmir

Last Updated on November 12, 2021 at 6:39 pm

In a major and important step by the government of Jammu and Kashmir, a major crackdown against power thieves will be launched by government in the valley. As a spike in the power pilferage, three government departments have decided to check on the power pilferage jointly so that the prevailing power situation in the valley improves.

At present, the power demand in the valley has risen to 2200 MW. The main reason behind is the power pilferage by some consumers.

Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) is currently supplying 1500 MW of electricity to consumers. The department said that the demand may grow up to 2500MW during the peak winter season if power thefts are not checked.

As per reports,inspection would be carried out by the revenue, PDD, and police departments against the power thefts and sale and use of banned crude heating equipment.

An official said that revenue and police department shall carry out surprise visits to the markets; the PDD task force teams in various districts shall visit door-to-door to check the use of crude heating equipment.

Chief Engineer KPDCL Aijaz Ahmad Dar said that they have already constituted task forces and a strict action against will be done against power thieves and action under relevant laws along with fine will be imposed.

Chief engineer KPDCL advised consumers that they will have to use electricity judiciously during the winters to ensure uninterrupted supply during peak hours.