Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Anshul Garg along with Abhay Kumar, State Informatics Officer, J&K, launched and dedicated four revenue certificate services to the people viz. SC/ST Certificates, Legal Heir Certificate and Dependent Certificate.
Initially the services have been started in Jammu Tehsil and would be extended to the entire District in next few days.
The services have been developed in pursuance to directions of Lieutenant Governor J&K, for enhancing service delivery through digital mode.
With the launch of this service, the Citizens, without any geographical restrictions, can apply Online for any of the certificate and digitally signed documents shall be issued online to them. The service has been designed and developed using a very generic service plus framework of NIC, which is being adopted in multiple states as well as UTs of the country.
The Deputy Commissioner informed that this service can be availed by Individuals by registering on portal and then filling up an online application form for the desired service along with all requisite documents. Thereafter, the application will land with the concerned Tehsildar and the application shall be processed as per procedure.
Once approved, the digitally signed certificate will be sent to the email address of the applicant and can be downloaded by him.
The system also facilitates the applicant to check online status of the application any time and also download digitally issued documents on the click of a button. A unique URL along with QR code is also generated on each document to ascertain the genuineness of the certificate.