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DE9TO organizes talk on oral health among women

De9to, an online platform for dentists and dental education, organized a live talk show for the general public on the topic ‘dental problems in females’. Dr. Gautam Sharma, Periodontist of the University of Jammu and Former President of the Indian Dental Association (IDA) Jammu was the speaker on the occasion.

De9to is regularly organizing the online live talks on the various issues pertaining to oral and dental health. Dr. Gautam Sharma in his presentation told that hormonal changes increases the risk of dental problems esp. periodontal disease. Therefore, the treating dentist must recognize and manage the female patient with an appropriate therapy.

Hormonal changes during puberty, menstrual periods and pregnancy may cause increased inflammation, bleeding gums and if not treated timely then may lead to mobility and eventually loss of the teeth.

Dr. Gautam said that maintaining oral health during pregnancy is utmost important as poor dental hygiene may cause damage to the fetus through bacteria and their virulent products present in dental plaque. The bacteria and its harmful products in the plaque can enter the bloodstream and reaches the amniotic membrane where it causes inflammation leading to its premature rupture. This in-turn may lead to premature and low-birth weight babies.

He emphasized that maintenance of dental health is easy by brushing twice daily with a soft bristle toothbrush, using floss after brushing, rinsing with a mouthwash prescribed by the dentist and visiting the dental specialist regularly after every six months so that the dental diseases can be treated at the initial stage.

Later, a certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr. Gautam Sharma by the organizing team of the De9to. De9to is a one-stop solution for dentists to upscale their clinic and patient base. De9to aims to standardize and digitalize clinics enabling patients to book appointments online, availing time and cost benefits whilst aiding dentists to get more patients. The vision is to revolutionize oral healthcare by enabling consumers to find the best dentists, book instant appointments, consultations, and make better, more informed health decisions.

Dr. Gautam thanked Yash Bansal, Founder & CEO of De9to, Mohit Kapoor, Co-Founder and CFO, Dr. Sanika Bali (Prosthodontist), Dr. Tanya Batra (Pedodontist), Ms. Taniya Nagpal and Ayushi for organizing this live talk show for general public.