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Director Animal Husbandry Jammu visits multiple Dairy Farms in RS Pura

Last Updated on December 2, 2021 at 9:25 pm

Director Animal Husbandry Jammu, Dr. Sagar D. Doifode today conducted an extensive tour of RS Pura area and inspected dairy farms and held interactions with the farmers.

During the visit, the Director took stock of different activities being done for the dairy farmers in the region. He emphasized on adopting farmer-centric approach while implementing the welfare programmes. He stated that the Department of Animal Husbandry Jammu is  devising a mechanism for the feed and fodder development to help the dairy farmers in the region.

During field visits of different Dairy Farms, the Director inspected the feed and fodder ingredients being fed to the cattle. “Through proper nutrition and management a dairy cow can produce to its full potential,” he advised the dairy farmers. He also appreciated the quality of milch animals being reared by the dairy farmers in the region.

He further directed the departmental functionaries to look into the feed conversion aspect of different feed and fodder ingredients in terms of achieving optimum milk production of dairy animals followed by popularizing the best suited feeding practices in the region.