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DRDO Anti-drone system to be tested by BSF in Jammu and Punjab

Last Updated on July 23, 2021 at 7:41 pm

Anti-drone system was successfully checked and tested in Karnataka’s Kolar earlier this month. Now Border Security Force (BSF) has asked Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to bring the prototype anti-drone system to Jammu and Punjab sectors for testing under real conditions.

This comes as a drone carrying 5-kg explosives was shot down in Jammu on Friday. There has been increasing drone attacks in the region since June 27 when the attack was done on Indian Air Force (IAF) base in Jammu.

The security officials who attended the Kolar test said that the DRDO anti-drone system performed good in controlled conditions. The DRDO anti-drone system has a radar detection range of four kilometres, a jamming range of more than two kilometres and a kill range of more than one kilometre.

Union home minister Amit Shah said that the DRDO has been working on indigenous counter-drone technology. Also he recently said that technology-based solutions are the future of India’s security strategy. 

Though Punjab sector has not faced any recent drone attack, but the rising drone attacks in J&K have raised serious concerns for security officials.