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German Finance Minister commits suicide over increasing Coronavirus cases

Last Updated on March 30, 2020 at 12:43 am

German finance minister on Sunday committed suicide after the “cases of Coronavirus went out of control” in the country. Thomas Schaefer, finance minister of germany’s Hesse state was worried over more than 55,000 cases of Coronavirus in the country.

The minister was also worried over the economic crisis that the world was facing in the wake of rising cases of the virus in almost every country. State premier Volker Bouffier said that Thomas Schaefer was deeply saddened with the prevailing conditions throughout the world and could not bear with it thus commiting suicide.

Thomas Schaefer was 54 year old and was found dead on a railway track. Investigation agencies believe that this was a clear case of suicide.

Volker Bouffier said that the entire nation was in a state of shock and despair and could not believe that the german finance minister has left them all.

Major business establishments like Dutsche Bank have their headquarters in Hesse with European Central Bank with its headquarter in Frankfurt.

Germany’s minister suicide has come as a shock to the world where different leaders have expressed shock over the development. Leaders in germany said that while the world was still coping up with the Coronavirus cases, suicide by germany finance minister has come as another sad news.

Thomas Schaefer was the finance minister of germany for the past 10 years and was working hard to keep the industries and financial companies out of the impact of the pandemic.

“It’s precisely during this difficult time that we would have needed someone like him,” he added.

It is suspected that the finance minister of Germany went to the railway line and committed suicide. His colleagues said that the finance minister was a hard working and a farsighted man. Premiers of many country have expressed their condolence for the death of German finance minister.