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Equipped with hi-tech machine, girls are fighting Covid-19 in Udhampur

JAMMU, May 10: A team of women is working along with men to fight the Coronavirus infection in Udhampur district of Jammu region.

‘Team Khalsa’ has made it a point to sanitize each and every village of the district so that there were no more cases of the infection in the area. These women are equipped with hi-tech fogging machine to eradicate the disease that has infected many people in Udhampur.

Aged between 18-22, these five young women believe that everyone must help the government in its efforts and the help could be by staying at home. They have so far sanitized five villages in Udhampur and are also educating people about prevention from Covid-19.

These women from ‘Team Khalsa’ are also distributing face masks to the people and asking them to wear them whenever they go out of their homes.

One of the volunteers, Gagan said that the NGO Team Khalsa decided to work along with government to help eradicate the infection after which they were deputed for the task.

She said that the young girls are working mostly in the remote areas of the district as “we understand that it is not possible even for authorities to reach each and every corner. It is the duty of every citizen of t his country to help the authorities in such times” she said.

The villages that have been covered by the team include Kahjahir, Chhakhar, Vishal Jatta, Sui and Sambal.

Gagan informed that the team goes to one village at a time and sanitize it along with spreading awareness about the infection. She said that awareness is more important in the case of Covid-19 as it is a disease that could be defeated by taking precautions.

She also said that it was difficult to convince her parents to do a work which could threaten her life. “However they agreed to as they also believed that it was a work for humanity” said Gagan.

Udhampur has reported one Coronavirus death so far and 21 cases of the infection. However 19 people out of the total infected have recovered.