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Handicraft dealers in Kashmir fined Rs 70,000 for violating norms

Last Updated on December 31, 2021 at 8:29 pm

Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir taking cognizance of the  complaints by some  visiting tourists against the handicrafts dealers for selling of fake machine made products instead of genuine, has initiated  aggressive inspection drives, where by all the handicrafts dealers are bring regularly visited by  inspection teams to check  their business of notified articles in conformity to the Jammu & Kashmir Handicrafts Quality Control Act  Jammu & Kashmir Tourist Trade Act and Jammu & Kashmir Namdha Quality Control Act.

The dealers found violating the said acts are being penalized on the spot. Accordingly from the past few weeks a total fine of Rs 70000 has been realized. The department is also contemplating strict action, which may include blacklisting and deregistration of such handicrafts dealers who promote cheap machine made lookalikes and indulge in misbranding as same is considered a serious malpractice and punishable offence under said acts.

Through the advisories issued by the Department all the tourists were advised to purchase only genuine Kashmir art products from only the business establishments  registered with the department. The dealers were also directed to ensure the registration certificate issued by the department is displayed in the showroom and their cash memos should contain all the details / credentials of the business establishment, which must be preserved for any customer for future use.