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Humanity beyond religion: We needs to learn friendship from this army major and Kashmiri boy

Last Updated on November 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm

Major Kamlesh Mani met a 16-year-old Kashmiri boy in Chanjmulla village of Kashmir when he was on his usual patrol. Major gave him chocolate and a friendship started between him and the teenager. The teenager’s name is Gawhaur Mir and he is a resident of the village. He was born with speech and hearing disabilities.

Friendship between them grew so strong that Major Mani sponsored his complete education and have even bought him a smartphone so that they both can connect with each-other.

Major Mani told The Print that after meeting him a couple of times, he came to his Army camp. He gifted the teen a pair of shoes and they grew attached. The boy returned with a crate of apples the very next day. Major was not available at the camp at that time, so when he returned only then the teen accepted something to eat.

Mir’s family has nine members, out of which four can’t hear or speak. Major Mani said that after meeting Mir’s family he decided that he will sponsor Mir’s education and pay for medical expenses. The family was happy that someone was helping them.

Currently, Mir studies in class 9. Earlier, he was enrolled in a Baramulla school but was not happy as he was often beaten up by teachers there. The Major got him enrolled in a school in Handwara, as a teacher for special needs is available there. He paid for the boy’s books, uniform and tuition charges.

The family has allowed the Major to take him anywhere for the treatment. He was diagnosed with 70% disability, so his chances of speaking or hearing are very low but the Major offered to take him to Delhi whenever he goes there for a checkup.

This May, Mir’s village came into news when a colonel, a major and three other security personnel were killed in an encounter with militants. However, Major Mani said there were no apprehensions when he befriended Mir. The people of Chanjmulla are co-operative. He hopes that his small gesture will change the mindset of the people.

Major Mani has been stationed in Chanjmulla for one year now with the 21 Rashtriya Rifles segment. In 2013, he was also awarded the President’s Gold Medal in the Indian Military Academy.