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In 6 months, 21 employees dismissed for terror links

Last Updated on September 23, 2021 at 6:24 pm

In Jammu and Kashmir government’s campaign against terrorist friendly employees, six more employees have been sacked on Wednesday for having terror links. The appointed committee which has been framed to single-out terror friendly employees in the union territory of J&K, has recommended termination of these in its meeting.

These employees were working as overground workers (OGWs) for various terror outfits active in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

To a utter shock, among the terminated employees, there are two constables of J&K police which have been directly involved in terror activities. Also, two teachers and an officer of Forest and employ of Roads and Buildings(R&B) departments were among those who were sacked after for terror links.

As per Early Times, Abdul Hamid Wani, a resident of Bijbehara, Anantnag, serving as a teacher, was district commander of terror outfit Allah Tigers before joined the government service. He got a government job with the influence of Jammat-e-Islami (JeI). Infamous for propagating secessionist ideology, Wani was a key organizer of Chalo Programmes following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani.
Jaffer Hussain Butt of Kishtwar, a constable in Jammu and Kashmir Police, was arrested by the police and chargesheeted by National Investigating Agency (NIA) in case FIR No. 31/2019 u/s 392 RPC, 7/25 & 30 of Arms Act and section 16, 18, 20, 23 of UA(P) Act 1967 Police Station Kishtwar. Butt, who is on bail, has provided his car to HM terrorists and facilitated their safe movement. The NIA has established its involvement in terror activities.
Mohammed Rafi Butt of Kishtwar, who is a junior assistant in Roads & Buildings Department has provided logistic support to the HM terrorists in Kishtwar and provided them a safe environment to execute terror plans. He figures in the FIR registered by NIA was arrested and is presently on bail.
Liyaqat Ali Kakroo resident of Baramulla, a government teacher, is a hardcore terrorist. Appointed as a teacher in 1983, Kakroo was arrested in 2001 which revealed that he was a locally trained terrorist. An explosive substance was recovered from his possession. Detained under Public Safety Act (PSA) also for two years in 2002 and acquitted by Court in both cases. In 2021 again, two grenades were recovered from his possession.
Tariq Mehmood Kohli resident of Poonch is a Range Officer in the Forest Department. He was involved in the smuggling of illegal arms, ammunition, explosives including hard drugs, and Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) from Pakistan. An OGW in the police record, Kohli reminded in touch with active terrorists. He was arrested under FIR No. 26/2010 U/S 2/3 E&IMCO, 120-B, 121, 122 RPC of P/S Poonch.
Constable Showkat Ahmad Khan resident Budgam was involved in looting weapons from the house of a Member Legislative Council (MLCs), with whom he had remained posted as a PSO. Khan Figures in case FIR No. 73/2018 u/s 392, 120-B RPC, 7/25 I.A Act, 30 Police Act, 03 PEPO Act was registered at Police Station Rajbagh. He was also detained under the J&K Public Safety Act, 1978 on August 8, 2019.

So far, around 21 employees, including the two sons of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin, have been sacked for having terror links.