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Indian army evacuates 80 year old woman in snow bound Kashmir

Last Updated on January 20, 2023 at 7:46 pm

Chinar Corps warriors conducted a swift emergency evacuation of an ailing elderly lady, Sardar Beewa w/o Mir Mohd from Jabri village, Boniyar Tehsil, Baramulla district, to Primary Health Care (PHC) Centre in Boniyar, today.

In the early morning hours, Indian Army detachment at Paro proactively acted on a distress call from Mir Mohd, a resident of the remote Jabri village, who desperately sought an evacuation of his 80-year old wife, who had developed severe fever, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Indian Army rescues woman in Kashmir

Jabri Village, is located along a steep gradient, from which evacuation during heavy snow fall, is extremely challenging.

The Chinar Corps warriors, walked through knee deep snow and reached the ailing lady’s home. They carried the aged lady on their back, to minimise injury to the patient, due to mountainous nature of tracks, steep gradient involved and heavy snow fall conditions.

On reaching Paro, the lady was swiftly shifted to a waiting Army ambulance and successfully evacuated to PHC, Boniyar.