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Issues related to engagement of youth under different schemes still to be resolved

Last Updated on October 14, 2021 at 11:23 am

Various schemes for youth in Jammu and Kashmir have certain issues which still stands unresolved. A committee of bureaucrats which has been framed more than one and half years ago, have yet not made any recommendations to the present government.

Successive governments of erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir engaged youth in various schemes such as Rehbar-i-Zirat which is related to Agriculture Production Department, Rehbar-i-Janglat is managed by forest department and Rehbar-i-Khel is under Department of Youth Services and Sports and several similar schemes mainly on the recommendations of the politicians, who were in the power at that time.

Those involved with these schemes demanded regularization in their respective departments.

Now, the present government vides Order No.294-JK (GAD) dated February 27, 2020 has framed a committee to examine the issues related to Rehbar-i-Zirat, Rehbar-i-Janglat and Rehbar-i-Khel and similar schemes.

The committee headed by Chief Secretary and comprised of Financial Commissioner, Finance Department, Commissioner Secretary to the Government, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Secretary, Agriculture Production Department, Secretary, Youth Services and Sports Department, Secretary, General Administration Department and Secretary, Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs were directed to examine the engagements made under these schemes.

Further, the committee was directed to examine the engagements made under Nehru Yuva Kendra; all the issues arising out of these engagements including current and future financial implications; the implications of these engagements on the regular organizational structure of these departments and suggest a recommendation.

But since past one and half years there has no deliberations from the committee.

As per reports, a sub-committee has been framed to examine the issues related to these schemes and its terms of reference have been kept the same as were assigned to the main committee. However, like the main committee no time-frame has been fixed for the sub-committee to examine the issues and make recommendations to the government. This clearly indicates the lackadaisical attitude of the concerned officials towards solving issues pertaining to engagements of large number of persons made under these schemes by the successive governments.