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Jammu and Kashmir government takes major steps to tackle pandemic, increases oxygen production capacity

Last Updated on April 18, 2022 at 11:03 am

Jammu and Kashmir government is leaving no stone unturned for providing better medical facilities to the people of the region and in tackling Covid-19 pandemic. The recent step of J&K government of increasing oxygen production capacity is one such example.

Lieutenant Governor’s administration having a support from Government of India has been able to enhance its oxygen production capacity from 14916 lpm in August, 2020 to 90300 lpm capacity at present. The UT had 24 oxygen plants in August, 2020 and 87 plants more plants had been added since then.

J&K government is taking every step to enhance the medical and health care facilities. Administration has increased the medical infrastructure across the Union Territory for healthy lives of people and also to provide them best possible medical care facilities.

Since again there is rise in Covid-19 cases, administration has tightened its socks in dealing with the surging cases.

As per official figures, J&K has proved to be successful in Covid-19 vaccination drive with administration of both the doses to 100 per cent population of above 18 years. Similarly, the population of the age group of 15-18 years of age was covered 100 per cent with the first dose.

J&K government also received a consignment of 9 Medical Oxygen Generation Plants. The state-of-the-art Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Oxygen Generation plants, manufactured in Europe, were airlifted from Frankfurt, Germany by Indian Air Force C-17 cargo plane on 5th June and delivered at Srinagar Airport today morning. Five of these new plants with a generation capacity of 4000 LPM were installed in the hospitals of Kashmir and the remaining 4 with a generation capacity of 4400 LPM were installed in Jammu hospitals. The earlier consignment of 7 plants was also brought in by the Indian Air Force plane.

“Our goal is to augment the medical supply across the UT with a vision to tackle any future health emergencies. Medical infrastructure capacities shall be upgraded across the board”, the Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha said.