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Jammu region witnessing unscheduled power cuts yet again

Last Updated on August 12, 2021 at 1:18 pm

Once again Jammu region is facing immense hardships due to unscheduled power cuts. During the soaring mercury time during May and June, Jammu witnessed unscheduled power cuts. The concerned authorities claimed that the system has been made effective and there will be no unscheduled power cuts.

But since the past two days many parts of the Jammu region are facing power cuts that clearly shows the lackadaisical attitude of the authorities and that all claims of the authorities are confined only on papers.

Development and growth has become a distant dream for people in Jammu and there is no one in authority to listen to the people. Moreover, due to acute shortage of potable water, the suffering of people has increased.

One of the residents said that instead of providing basic amenities to people, officers are raking up emotive issues to divert the attention of common people.

Further he added that bureaucrats are busy in raising the issues such as abrogation of Article 370 for reaping political benefits but the basic needs and requirements of the people of Jammu are being ignored and no officials are concerned about it.