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J&K to get budget of Rs 10 crore under National Bamboo Mission

Last Updated on May 4, 2022 at 7:29 pm

A virtual meeting of UT Bamboo Mission (UT BM) under National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was held today here under the chairmanship of K. K. Sharma, Director Agriculture Jammu (Mission Director National Bamboo Mission) here at Krishi Bhawan Talab Tillo, to discuss the proposed Annual Action Plan for the FY 2022-23.

The meeting was convened on the instruction of Principal Secretary, Agriculture Production Department JK UT.

The officers from the different Departments, including Mohinder Gupta, Regional Director Forest Department J&K; Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal, Director Agriculture Kashmir ; Dr. L. M. Gupta (Prof.  & Head of Agro-forestry Deptt.) SKUAST– Jammu; Dr Prevez Ahmed Sofi (Associate Prof Agro-forestry) SKUAST – Kashmir; Mega Baogia (Dy Dir Plg & Statics) Handicrafts and Handloom Jammu and Gopal Dass (AD Plg) Forest Department J&K participated in the meeting.

At the outset, the Mission Director-NBM apprised   the participants that an action plan to the tune of Rs 10 crore has been proposed for financial year 2022-23 under National Bamboo Mission in respect of JK UT.

The meeting discussed different activities proposed under the National Bamboo Mission action plan in detail which includes Establishment of nurseries, Block plantation, High density bamboo plantation, establishment of Bamboo shoots processing unit, Incense stick making units, Establishment of tissues culture labs and skill development programmes etc.