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Jobless rate increases in Jammu and Kashmir in May

Last Updated on June 14, 2022 at 1:35 pm

Unemployment woes of people in Jammu and Kashmir are increasing as in the month of May jobless rate in J&K is  18.3 percent. Unemployment is the prolonged problem in J&K and youth of the region has to suffer.

As per, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) figures, J&K has an unemployment rate rose to 18.3 percent which was 15.6 percent during the month of April. The unemployment rate in J&K is higher than that national average and contrary to the downward trend across the country.

During the month of May, the unemployment rate in India was pegged at 7.3 per cent. President, Kashmir Young Entrepreneurs Federation, Babar Chowdhary told Greater Kashmir that being self employed is need of the hour and new schemes and measures should be introduced to promote entrepreneurship among the youth.