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Kashmir: 14-year-old minor not allowed by terrorists to surrender before army, killed

Last Updated on April 11, 2021 at 12:06 pm

Three armed terrorists including a 14-year-old minor were killed by security forces in Handipora of Shopian in Kashmir.

Encounter in Shopian in which a 14 year old minor militant was killed
Security forces after completing an encounter in Shopian

According to the reports, the army had allowed the parents of 14-year-old slain ultra to make appeals for surrender, however other two terrorists did not allow the minor to go ahead and surrender.

A police officer said that discreet information was received about the presence of terrorists in Hadipura of Shopian district in South Kashmir after which the area was cordoned off and search operation started.

Meanwhile, another encounter is going on in Anantnag district. Security forces carried out a search operation after the intelligence that ultras were hiding in Semthan in Bijbehra area of ​​this district of South Kashmir. After which the encounter started between the two sides.