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Kashmiri terrorist planning to kill Swami Yati Narsinghanand arrested in Delhi

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 at 4:21 pm

A Kashmiri terrorist of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has been arrested by Delhi police for planning to kill Swami Yati Narsinghanand on orders of Pakistani handlers.

The accused has been identified as Jan Mohammed Dar, was arrested from a hotel in Paharganj on Sunday. According to Delhi Police, the items recovered from his possession indicate that Jan Mohammed Dar was planning to dress up like a Hindu priest to assassinate Dasna Devi temple priest Swami Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati, who had recently made controversial comments.

The Delhi Police recovered a saffron kurta, a white pyjama, a kalava (holy thread), a string of beads, sandalwood paste and a box of Kumkum (vermillion) along with a .30 bore pistol and two magazines containing 15 live rounds.

Jan Mohammed Dar revealed that he was tasked with killing the priest by the terror outfit, the police said.

A carpenter by profession, Jan Mohammed Dar had reportedly come in contact with JeM operative Abid in December 2020. Abid, who operated from Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, motivated Dar to work for the terror outfit and maintained contact with him via Whatsapp, the police said.