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Kashmiri traditional handmade carpets to grace new Parliament building

The new Indian Parliament building in will be graced by Kashmiri handmade carpets. In the Budgam district of Kashmir, artists have been on verge of completion of making of traditional handmade Kashmiri carpets for new building of Parliament in nation’s capital.

The work was assigned to a nearly group of 50 weavers and artisans in Kashmir’s Khag by a company based in New Delhi. They have been working on this for past one year.

After the samples were submitted, the company ordered for 12 carpets for the new Parliament building, according to Qamar Ali Khan of Tahiri Carpets. Khan told Greater Kashmir that making carpets for the Parliament was an honour and a source of great delight for his family.

The carpets that would be used to decorate the new Parliament building would be up to 8 feet broad and 11 feet long.

“These carpets will be arranged in a circle. Each carpet has a different width. It changes, getting wider at first before getting wider yet, the minimum is four feet,” Khan said.