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Know how this young entrepreneur from J&K converted her passion for art into business opportunity

Last Updated on May 10, 2022 at 3:54 pm

Youth of today is riding against the tide and making a way for themselves to achieve their dreams. Be it any field young generation is paving a way and entering into the field of business. Many are making their passion turn into their business. One such young talent comes from Jammu and Kashmir making her dream to become reality.

Faika Fareed Khan from J&K’s Anantnag is successfully converting her art into a business opportunity. She had a keen interest in art since her school days and later due to pandemic she realized to make her passion into business and enter the world of entrepreneurship.

Faika told Greater Kashmir that she learnt more through online platforms such as Youtube for tutorials so that she can take her art professionally. She further added that when the world was hit by Covid-19 pandemic she thought of doing something productive at home and she tried her hand in art.

She said, “As I was passionate about art and used to paint as a hobby that helped me a lot. Initially, it was hard to get raw materials and equipment for my painting but as things got better I found my way out. I believe if you are focused on something and you have the passion to do it, you will find a way out”.

Faika added further that she wanted to do something different from calligraphy so she choose to attract clients by her beautiful landscape art, Miniature, and decorative art pieces. Faika’s art pieces made from Acrylic colours, Gouache colours, her mini canvases, mini diaries, and polaroid art are a treat to the eyes.

She further added that she recently made very popular art bookmarks and several people placed order for the same and she also created customized bookmarks with different themes and is introducing art décor on wood planks as well.

Faika has tied up with various delivery services to deliver her art orders. She said that the online mode of payment has made it easy for young girls like her to do their job remotely.

She believes that young women can turn their hobbies into entrepreneurship opportunities through hard work and professionalism.