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Ladakh administration embarks on multi-pronged strategy to curb increased use of narcotics

Last Updated on May 2, 2022 at 5:23 pm

Ladakh is facing an increased scourge of drugs particularly youth of Ladakh getting easily lured by narcotics; administration of Ladakh has pulled up its socks to control the menace. A multi-pronged strategy has been framed by the Ladakh administration in an attempt to curb this menace.

A first meeting of the State Level Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) Committee framed on the directions of the Ministry of Home Affairs for improving support and coordination mechanism under the Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau for focused resolution of policy and operational issues.

In the meeting it was pointed out that scourge of narcotics smuggling have increased from past few years through Leh-Manali route thus administration is making every effort to kept Ladakh out from the trap of drugs. Various intelligence agencies and concerned departments are also working in coordination and intelligence agencies highlighted that earlier people of Ladakh never encouraged the use of narcotics even by foreign tourists but due to increase in tourist footfall and rising tourism activities they have started facilitating them and due to easy availability of drugs even the local population is also becoming addict at an increased speed.

The NCORD is a mechanism for effective coordination among all the drug enforcement agencies and other stakeholders and also to provide a common platform for discussion on drug-trafficking-related issues.

Also keeping children away from this menace there should be programmes in schools and colleges and creating a mass awareness about ill-effects of narcotics.