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Ladakh Govt plans 100% distribution under PMGKAY-III free ration by May end

In a review meeting of the Food and Civil Supplies Department of Ladakh Secretary, Saugat Biswas, lauded the efforts of the Director, FCS& CA Ladakh, Anil Kaul and the officers of the Department for commencing distribution of food grains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana Phase III ( PMGKAY Phase- III) timely.

Under PMGKAY-III members of the AAY and PHH categories will receive 5 kgs of food grain per soul per month comprising 3.5 kg of rice and 1.5 kg of atta in the months of May and June, 2021.

The Director FCS & CA, Anil Kaul apprised that this free ration for May and June 2021 is being provided in one go to the beneficiaries. The scheme shall benefit 1,37,844 individuals out of which 27,177 individuals and 1,10,667 individuals belong to the AAY and PHH categories respectively.

He further apprised that the department has lifted 1378 MT for distribution under the scheme out of which 245 MT i.e 18% of the distribution has already been made. The ration is being distributed keeping all COVID protocols in view. He apprised that rationees having any grievances can call the toll free no of the department (14445) during working hours. 

Secretary Biswas directed for completion of the distribution of the ration under the scheme by the end of May.