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Low interest witnessed among applicants for Jammu University administrative posts

Last Updated on February 11, 2021 at 1:55 pm

It is very interesting to note that the interest of candidates for even important administrative posts of Jammu University is considerably low. A very smaller number of candidates have made applications. As a result, the University of Jammu has to issue notification again in order to fill up the posts.

Jammu University issued the notification on 18th December 2020 to fill up the administrative posts of Registrar, Controller, Director College development at Jammu University. Other than these posts, applications were also invited for the administrator of General Jorawar Singh Auditorium. The candidates were expected to fill up the application online.

Jammu University received nine applications for the registrar post, six for the controller post, eight for the Director College Development Council and seven for the post of administrator of General Jorawar Singh Auditorium. The University of Jammu did not find these applications in a sufficient number. So, the administration decided to re-open the portal from 6th February 2021 for applications. Candidates were again asked to fill up online applications by 26th February. Thereafter, the application form has been asked to be submitted to the University by 8th March attached with all the documents.

Only senior and experienced professors are appointed to the Registrar, controller and other administrative posts of the University of Jammu. There has also been a rising demand from time to time that the University of Jammu should permanently fill up these posts. People have also brought the matter of permanent filling up of the Registrar’s post to the Chancellor. Raj Bhavan has also stated that these posts should be filled up permanently.

Professors of colleges have also been applying for administrative posts in the University of Jammu from time to time. However, this time the trend has not been witnessed. Another reason that might have caused this low number of applicants is that the process of appointment often keeps ongoing and candidates have to wait for a long time.